Well, it was a heck of a year, let's see how we all ended up. Did you hit your targets? Did you let some of your goals go or pivot them? We'll catch up on Thursday morning for our first Cobblers of the year!
For those of you unfamiliar with our Goals meetings - every quarter we meet and review your goals. We read them out loud and you give yourself a grade on how you're doing. You can set goals for the year or the quarter. It's a great chance to have some judgment-free accountability. If you have a goal you'd rather not make public, no worries, we'll give you a code word to ask you about instead.
We meet online for the foreseeable future - click in Thursday morning at 8:30 a.m. to see our socially distanced faces! bit.ly/cobblers
Cobblers' Collective meets every Thursday morning at 8:30 for an informal but informative round-table discussion about those challenges we all share, with lots of helpful ideas -- and interesting people!